Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Small but sweet meeting on February 7th

Thanks to Maile for hosting Betsy and Lori for a small but satisfying Guild meeting. Tasty treats and great conversation interspersed with spinning and Guild planning for the coming months.

The next meeting is at Elaine's house on February 21st. This coming weekend Guild members are touring up to Green Mountain Spinnery in Putney VT, a much awaited field trip to one of the nation's foremost natural spinning mills. There's likely a visit to a sheep farm to be tacked on as well!

The long list of upcoming New England/New York fiber festivals was reviewed, and calendars were marked. Inquiries into another dyeing workshop with Maile's hooking mentor, a trip to a Central MA Merino farm, and our Guild appearance at the Wachusett Meadows Sheep Shearing Day on April 3rd were all discussed.

Betsy shared a library book that got plenty of oohs and aahs: Fiber Gathering, by Joanne Seiff (Wiley publishers). The must-have list of publications just keeps growing.

Guild members heard from Jenny who is all excited about dyeing with mushrooms. Hopefully we can tackle that too at some point this year.

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