Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fiber Map Survey Response from Saori Weaving Studio

As an example of why we wanted to put a Fiber Map together in the first place, here is an excerpt of the robustly-written response to our initial Map Quesionnaire submitted by Nat Needle of Saori Weaving Studio.

Why would you like to be listed?

First, there are advantages to people working with different aspects of the fiber process, or the same aspect, being readily able to exchange information and knowledge. Second, this is also a great chance to make new friends with shared interests. Third, many of us may become each other’s preferred customers and vendors. Fourth, there are things we can do together that are tough or pointless to do separately, such as organizing promotional, sales, or charitable (friend-raising as well as fund-raising) events, or going in on an ad for our Fiber Network together that lists all our members.

How would you like to be listed according to the following outline:

Name: Saori Worcester Freestyle Weaving Studio
Contact name: Mihoko Wakabayashi and Nathaniel Needle
Address: 18 Winslow Street, Worcester, MA 01609
Phone: 508-757-4646
Email: mihoko@saoriworcester.com
Web site: www.saoriworcester.com

Do you have products or services to sell?

Yes. We sell Saori looms, books and accessories (books can be bought through our website using Paypal). In 2010, we will be selling Mihoko’s original hand-woven items online. We also contract with various organizations to start Saori programs for their students, employees, clients, patients, etc. through our Saori Worcester Partnership Site program. We offer a wide range of educational consulting and curriculum development services that relate weaving and fiber arts generally to academic disciplines. Finally, we contract with various organizations to create programs that integrate people with disabilities or other marginalizing/isolating situations/conditions into the larger community through friendships and shared creative & social experience. All these products and services are detailed on our website.

Do you give classes or teach?

Yes. We offer ongoing weaving courses that one can begin at any time. We arrange special group sessions for parties, camps, team-building, education, etc.

Do you accept visitors?

Yes, by appointment, at any mutually feasible time.

Thanks, Nat and Mihoko, for participating in this project. We look forward to the Map's further development (hard copies for distribution at events, updates annually, etc.)and thank EVERYONE who participated.

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