Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Guild Member Sara's Shearing Day

Sara has Merino-Romney crossed sheep and this year the shearer arrived on the first day of spring. Here are a few photos:

One of her chickens looks particularly interested in the proceedings!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Betsy's List of Great Ideas for Guild Members!

Upcoming Fiber Opportunities for Wachusett Spinner’s Guild

Sat. April 3 Wachusett Meadows, Shearing Day, 1-4 - we’ll do demos & activities

Sun. April 11, Spinning Guild Meeting, Dorothy’s in W. Brookfield. Contact her at: if you need directions.

Because of all the festivals and activities in April, we will only meet once- the 11th- to spin.

Sun. April 18 afternoon, Dyeing with Beverly at Maile’s house, details to follow

Sat. April 24th CT Sheep Festival- all day

May 8-9 NH Sheep Festival

May 15 RI Sheep & Wool Festival

May 29-30 MA Sheep Festival

June 5 - 6 Maine Fiber Frolic in Windsor Maine

Aug. 14-15 we will be leading a NOFA workshop, don’t know when yet

Then in the fall will be Common Ground Fair in Maine in Sept. & Sheep to Shawl at Greenhill Park on Oct. 23. And surely more!

Post-Meeting Thoughts

Betsy hosted us yesterday and Dorothy broke the news that she is moving out to CA to be with Ace, and so must sell or rent/lease the sheep farm in West Brookfield, AND sell some of the Icelandics. We will miss you Dorothy! We suburban and urban members were surely all secretly wondering how to stash some of her sheep in our backyards. Betsy composed a great list of upcoming fiber events and activities,and we finalized changes to our Alyson Lee-designed fiber map. We're looking forward to a dyeing workshop with Maile's rug hooking teacher next month, as well as a demo at Wachusett Meadows Sheep Shearing Day. Member Sara's sheep were shorn on Saturday and Betsy got to observe (on the first day of Spring!). The season is truly kicking into gear!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Nice March 7th meeting

Guild members Sharon, Maile, Sara and Elaine joined Lori at her house for the March 7th meeting. We spun in a circle facing one another, and it felt a bit like a sheep-to-shawl contest! Sharon joined us for some knitting and chatting before heading off to her daughter Claire's concert. We discussed a variety of upcoming events and ideas: our Guild's first workshop at NOFA Ma's Summer Conference, our fiber map now in rough layout format thanks to Alyson Lee, our April dyeing workshop with Maile's rug hooking guru, and more.

The next meeting is at Betsy's house on March 21st.