Friday, November 12, 2010

From our new friend Ellen Zepp of Orchid Patch/Andes Alive . . .

"Mike and my Winter project is underway - sleeve, sort chronologically and scan the postcards my grandfather ( Herman C. Maddocks aka Pappy ) sent to his eventual wife during his tour of duty on the USS New Maine . This was part of the Great White Fleet that was commissioned to circle the globe between 1907 & 1909. Among these, we came upon the attached photo of Ifigau ( Philippine Islanders ) spinners. Check out the elevated tube with the hole in the bottom - kind of like a combination of a distaff and a diz. It makes the process stationary but I'll bet it goes lots faster. Wonder what they're spinning."

Oh, the joy of it all!

The Gathering 2010 in West Dover, VT at Mount Snow was a memorable weekend. Classes Friday, Saturday and Sunday, plus diversions into the fiber vendors' hall, chatty meals with new friends, and late night spinning/knitting/laughing sessions were so so so satisfying. Chris, Betsy and Lori discovered some new Central MA fiber folks, and met great mentors and students from Michigan to Maine. This time next year the Northeast Handspinners Association takes us to Rhode Island for the one-day event, and in 2012 we heard it will be Connecticut that hosts the three-day event.

We're posting some highlights from the weekend: teachers Jody Stoddard, Kate Walsh, and Nancy Morey's classes, plus scenes from the dining hall, spontaneous spin-ins, and beautiful results.

Plus, one shot from a happy family member who approves of the Deb Menz color work class finished products!

Japanese Indigo that will grow (annual) in New England and produce blue!

Heating up the dye baths in Jody Stoddard's class.

After hours spin-in for Betsy and Chris.

Chris' beautiful batts she brought with to spin.

After lunch Betsy digests with some knitters.

Master needle felter Kate Walsh demonsrates bird-making.

First attempts in needle felting are seasonal!

Marvelous spinners basket -- woven reeds and deer horn.

Rug hooked project in the gallery display.

Dyed mohair projects in Nancy Morley's class.

Chris's beautiful end product created in Deb Menz's color work class.

Betsy's Growlbert approves of the weekend's results!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Three spinners off to The Gathering this weekend

Chris, Betsy and Lori are attending the 2010 Gathering in at Mount Snow, Vermont this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. What an indulgence into all things spinning and fiber! This biennial convergence of handspinners from throughout the Northeast is such a lot of fun. We're holing up at Mt Snow's resort lodge, with sauna and heated outdoor pool at our disposal, plus the company of hundreds of like-minded fanatics! We three are taking different workshops, so we'll have much show-and-tell fodder for subsequent meetings.

Upcoming Guild meetings are the 13th and the 21st this month.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sheep to Shawl fun

Ellen Zepp and Oberon at Sheep to Shawl, plus a short video by Dave Niles of the Telegram and Gazette.

Safe to say that Betsy, Christina, and Dottie all had a good though chilly time at the event. Turnout was up according to past participants. Lots of kids, adults fiber folk and newcomers to it. Thanks to all who came and planned the day.